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HMT's MEGA 2000 - Designed for Athletes (60 Caps). Is probably the best multi vitamin / mineral / antioxidant supplement in the world and undoubtedly provides the best value for money available anywhere.

Almost all of us are aware of the nutrient deficiencies in our modern diet. Even those of us who truly strive to eat healthy by buying fresh organic produce still come up 'short' when it comes to having adequate essential nutrients on a daily basis...

This is because of mineral deficiencies in the soil, environmental pollution, modern farming methods, transportation and storage. Nutrients in fresh plants degrade very rapidly. No industrialized country in the world is free from these issues!

HMT's MEGA 2000 is a natural multi vitamin supplement using only the finest natural vitamins available on the market today.


HMT Mega 2000 30's

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    • Extra high potency multi vitamin and mineral blend
    • With added antioxidants and flavonoids
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